Econometrics of Machine Learning Methods in Economic Forecasting

Andrii Babii, Eric Ghysels, Jonas Striaukas

Research output: Working paperResearch


We review the recent methodological advances in machine learning for economic forecasting and nowcasting. We consider the high-dimensional regularized regressions for individual time series and panel data, paying special attention to how time series lags and cross-validation should be used in practice. We also discuss how to do inference and tests such as the Granger causality test with high-dimensional regularized regressions. Lastly, we review the practical implementation of tree-based methods (boosting and random forests) and (deep) neural networks. We refer the reader to the Python and R libraries that can be used to compute the reviewed methods whenever possible.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherSSRN: Social Science Research Network
Number of pages34
Publication statusPublished - 31 Dec 2023
SeriesKenan Institute of Private Enterprise Research Paper


  • Machine learning
  • Economic forecasting and nowcasting
  • Panel data
  • MIDAS regressions
  • Boosted trees
  • Deep learning

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