Dropping a Bomb or Providing a Gentle Loving Touch? Towards a Relation Artefact Theory of Pilot Implementation

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingArticle in proceedingsResearchpeer-review

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This position paper is about socio-technical interventions in pilot implementation contexts. It argues that human work interaction design provides massive push towards such interventions. It does so through theorizing the continuous relation-building between empirical work analysis and interaction design activities that creates new local solutions for the stakeholders involved. The question is how hard of soft that this push should be.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of the Pilot4HWID Workshop on Pilot Implementation for Testing Human-Work Interaction Designs
EditorsMorten Hertzum, Torkil Clemmensen, Barbara Rita Barricelli, Pedro F. Campos, Frederica Gonçalves, José Abdelnour Nocera, Ganesh Bhutkar, Arminda Guerra Lopes
Number of pages6
Place of PublicationBrescia
PublisherUniversità degli Studi di Brescia
Publication date2021
Publication statusPublished - 2021
EventPilot4HWID Workshop on Pilot Implementation for Testing Human-Work Interaction Designs: In Conjunction with INTERACT2021 - Bari, Italy
Duration: 31 Aug 202131 Aug 2021


WorkshopPilot4HWID Workshop on Pilot Implementation for Testing Human-Work Interaction Designs
Internet address


  • Sociotechnical user experiences
  • Digital work legacy
  • Interaction design interoperability
  • Human work interaction design

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