Developing Collaborative Product Development Capabilities: The Case of Fast Fashion

Volker Mahnke, Yen Tran

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingArticle in proceedingsResearchpeer-review


    Collaborative product development capabilities support a company’s product innovation activities. In the context of the fast fashion sector, this paper examines the development of the product development capabilities (PDC) that align product development capabilities in a dual innovation context, one, slow paced, where the firm is well established and the other, fast paced, which represents a new competitive arena in which the company competes. To understand the process associated with collaborative capability development, we studied three Scandinavian fashion companies pursuing ‘dual innovation strategies’. Our analyses suggest that developing such collaboration capabilities benefits from the search for complementary practices, the combination of learning styles, and the development of weak and strong ties. Results also underscore the crucial importance of co-evolution of multi-level, simultaneous learning processes and highlight the role of human agency in capability development with partners. Building on our analyses, we advance propositions for future research and managerial practices on developing dynamic collaboration capabilities.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationProceedings from the 19th International Product development Management Conference : Transformative Research in Product and Service Innovation
    Number of pages5
    Place of PublicationBrussel
    PublisherEuropean Institute for Advanced Studies in Management
    Publication date2012
    ChapterPaper no. 34954
    Publication statusPublished - 2012
    EventThe 19th International Product Development Management Conference. IPDMC 2012 - The University of Manchester , Manchester, United Kingdom
    Duration: 17 Jun 201219 Jun 2012
    Conference number: 19


    ConferenceThe 19th International Product Development Management Conference. IPDMC 2012
    LocationThe University of Manchester
    Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
    Internet address
    SeriesEIASM Conference Proceedings Series

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