Cultural Usability: The Effects of Culture on Usability Testing

Qingxin Shi

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingArticle in proceedingsResearchpeer-review


    Culture has already played an important role in the global market. It not only affects products, but also impacts on usability evaluation methods. This project aims to examine in the established thinking aloud usability evaluation method (TA UEM), how does the evaluator build a supportive relationship and communicate effectively with the user in order to find relevant usability problems in culturally localized applications. It includes three parts, pilot study, field study and experiments, to get both qualitative data and quantitative data. From this project, we hope to find an effective way to structure our TA UEM methodology to capture or be sensitive towards the mental models and ways of thinking in different cultural groups.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationHuman-Computer Interaction – INTERACT 2007 : 11th IFIP TC 13 International Conference, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, September 10-14, 2007, Proceedings
    EditorsCécilia Baranauskas, Philippe Palanque , Julio Abascal
    Place of PublicationHeidelberg
    PublisherSpringer Science+Business Media
    Publication date2007
    ISBN (Print)9783540747994
    Publication statusPublished - 2007
    EventInteract 2007 Socially Responsible Interaction - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
    Duration: 10 Sept 200714 Sept 2007


    ConferenceInteract 2007 Socially Responsible Interaction
    CityRio de Janeiro
    SeriesLecture Notes in Computer Science

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