Complementary Perspectives in the Value Chain on ERP System Implementation

Philip Holst, Janni Nielsen, Anne Sofie Halskov Bentsen

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperResearch


    In this paper we report on a explorative empirical study on implementing ERP systems in SMEs. Representatives from the different links in the value chain; user, customer, consultant and vendor were interviewed to investigate the process. The function of the qualitative interviews is probing for information. The interviews were conducted to shed light on the experiences of the different links across
    the value chain, and to uncover potential challenges in the implementation process.
    The analysis shows that the informants have radically different experiences and understandings of the ERP implementation process, depending upon their position in the value chain. An example, the consultants argue that they implement a system based upon the “right” information that the customer has delivered. The customer, on the other hand, chooses a consulting company that can provide trust and safety – because he does not understand the technicalities of customized ERP systems. We argue that the views uncovered through the informants retrospective stories, if understood as complementary, may be used to identify future challenges that the ERP community must address.
    Original languageDanish
    Publication date2008
    Number of pages8
    Publication statusPublished - 2008
    EventMicrosoft Academic Preconference and Convergence 2008 - København, Denmark
    Duration: 17 Nov 200820 Nov 2008


    ConferenceMicrosoft Academic Preconference and Convergence 2008

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