Competitividad y cohesión metropolitanas: La exigencia de capacidad de organización y redes estratégicas

Jan van der Meer, Erik Braun, Leo van den Berg

Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review


Fundamental developments as globalisation, informatization and European integration lead to increased competition and interaction among metropolitan regions in search for mobile investmen and trade. Next to the tradicional' location factors and quaiity-of-life factors that determine the quality of the business environment, the ability of the metropolitan region to anticipate, respond to and cope with internal andexternal changes is increasingly getting attention. The objective of this investi- gation is to get insightinto the practice of organising capacity of eight metropolitan regions in Europe, and is based on the analysis of fifthen major projects in eight European cities. Eight out of these fifthen projects have been included here, one for earch city. The projects have been analysed according to an especially developed theoretical framework. Organising capacity is closely bound up with strategic networks, leadership, spatial-economie conditions, vision & strategy, and polítical & societalsupport.
Original languageSpanish
JournalPapeles de Economía Española
Issue number80
Pages (from-to)248-265
Number of pages18
Publication statusPublished - 1999
Externally publishedYes

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