Comparability, Competition and Control: Performance Management in the Correctional Services of Germany and England and Wales

Nathalie Iloga Balep*, Andrei Guter-Sandu, Andrea Mennicken, Christian Huber

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingBook chapterResearchpeer-review


Over the last three decades, performance measurement has advanced to become a ubiquitous part of public management and has also spread to the penal sector. This chapter compares the performance measurement systems that have come to exist in the penal sectors of Germany and England and Wales by discussing three main themes: First, we describe and analyse the different measurement systems in use. Second, we compare different rationales and objectives underlying the introduction of the different performance measurement systems. Third, we examine uses and effects of the respective systems. We then discuss implementation challenges in both systems and potential negative unintended consequences. We suggest that by keeping the performance measurement systems open to negotiation and debate, such systems may help to mediate between different prison values and objectives. The article, written in English, is preceded by a German summary.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationSteuerung und Erfolgskontrolle im Strafvollzug : Zur evidenzbasierten Gestaltung freiheitsentziehender Sanktionen
EditorsWolfgang Wirth
Place of PublicationWiesbaden
Publication date2022
ISBN (Print)9783658356194
ISBN (Electronic)9783658356200
Publication statusPublished - 2022
SeriesEdition Forschung und Entwicklung in der Strafrechtspflege


  • Comparability
  • Competition
  • Control
  • Performance measurement
  • Value balancing
  • Correctional services
  • Quantification
  • NPM
  • Public management
  • Accountability

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