Communicative Constitution Model of Organizations

Dennis Schoeneborn, Consuelo Vasquez

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingEncyclopedia chapterResearchpeer-review


The notion of the “communicative constitution of organization” (CCO) is at the center of a growing theoretical development within the field of organizational communication studies. CCO scholarship is based on the idea that organizations are created and maintained in and through communication. CCO scholarship is presented with regard to its main underlying premises and major theoretical approaches, and implications for health communication research.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationThe International Encyclopedia of Health Communication
EditorsEvelyn Y. Ho, Carma L. Bylund, Julia C.M. van Weert, Iccha Basnyat, Nadine Bol, Marleah Dean
Publication date29 Sept 2022
ISBN (Print)9780470673959
ISBN (Electronic)9781119678816
Publication statusPublished - 29 Sept 2022
SeriesThe Wiley Blackwell-ICA International Encyclopedias of Communication

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