Changing Minds: Mindset-driven Strategic Change and Executional Agility in Solar A/S

Rikke Kristine Nielsen

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This paper explores the practical and theoretical avenues for working with mindset as a strategic lever and method of securing business strategy executional agility. Taking the mindset development aspirations of Solar A/S as point of departure, the building up of a collective mindset conducive to strategy execution is explored as a method of securing implementation of business strategy. Reflecting the strategic priorities and internationalization process of the case study organization, the concept of global mindset is activated as an avenue of exploration (Chatterjee, 2005; Levy et al., 2007; Dekker et al; 2005; Bowen & Inkpen, 2009; Gupta & Govindarajan, 2002). A global mindset is the cognitive ability (of managers) to be open towards and navigating, integrating and mediating between multiple cultural and strategic realities on both global and local levels mirroring the Solar notion of group mindset supporting business strategy. It is argued that a knowledge gap exist with regards to creation and change of mindset in connection with strategy execution. Concepts of organizational learning are put forward as a possible point of entrance to mindset change. The paper is informed by the exploratory data from the initial phase of an ongoing industrial Ph.D.- project in Solar A/S with the working title “A mindset for strategy execution -mindset-driven leadership development and strategic performance.
Original languageEnglish
Publication date2011
Number of pages16
Publication statusPublished - 2011
Event Det Danske Ledelsesakademi 2011 konference: Behov for ny ledelse? - Frederiksberg, Denmark
Duration: 5 Dec 20116 Dec 2011


Conference Det Danske Ledelsesakademi 2011 konference: Behov for ny ledelse?

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