Boundary Spanners in a Global Software Development Project: A Qualitative Case Study of an Indian Service Provider's On-Site Managers

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference abstract in proceedingsResearchpeer-review


    Western companies´ outsourcing of short-term projects with low cost tasks to third world countries are increasingly being replaced by strategic partnerships that require closer collaboration between client and vendor. The majority of contributions within offshore outsourcing look at challenges in virtual communication, trust building and knowledge sharing, seen from a Western client perspective. I adopt a less ‘West-centric’ stance by drawing on interviews conducted in an Indian MNC providing advanced IT services and strategic business solutions to its clients all around the world. In this paper I study some of the key boundary spanners, Indian managers in so called on-site teams, who are responsible for developing trustful and sustainable client relations and coordinating complex projects across cultures, languages organizational boundaries, time zones and geographical distances. In the interview analysis I focus on 1) how the Indian vendor prepares its employees for cross-cultural teamwork, 2) which cross-cultural challenges the Indian on-site management team experiences in collaborating with Western clients and coordinating off-shore development projects, and 3) which skills and competencies they draw on in their complex boundary spanning work in order to be able to deal constructively with multiple cultures (regional, national, organizational and professional). in their interorganisational and cross-cultural interactions?
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationProceedings of the 56th Annual Meeting of the Academy of International Business : Local Contexts in Global Business
    EditorsKlaus Meyer, Tunga Kiyak
    Place of PublicationEast Lansing, MI
    PublisherAcademy of International Business
    Publication date2014
    Publication statusPublished - 2014
    EventAIB 2014 Annual Meeting : Local Context in Global Business - Westin Bayshore, Vancouver, Canada
    Duration: 23 Jun 201426 Jun 2014
    Conference number: 56


    ConferenceAIB 2014 Annual Meeting
    LocationWestin Bayshore
    Internet address
    SeriesAcademy of International Business. Annual Meeting. Proceedings

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