"Batman saves the Congo". Come le celebrità incidono sulla raccolta fondi. Intervista con le autrici

Alexandra Cosima Budabin (Performer), Lisa Ann Richey (Performer), Simona Bianchi (Performer), Jonathan Mastellari (Performer)

Research output: Non-textual formSound/Visual production (digital)Communication


The Central and East Africa Coordination of Amnesty International Italy interviews Alexandra Cosima Budabin (Faculty of Design and Art, Free University of Bolzano - Bozen and Human Rights Center, University of Dayton) and Lisa Ann Richey (CBS Sustainability Centre for Business and Development Studies) authors of the book "Batman saves the Congo. How celebrities disrupt the politics of development" published by University of Minnesota Pr (2021).

Together with the two authors we explored, in addition to understanding where the book originated, the topic of how the role of celebrities has impacted and still impacts (not always positively) the processes of fundraising, development and empowerment of the communities and geographic areas involved in the projects to which the resources are allocated.

Interview by the Central and East Africa Coordination - Amnesty International Italy:
Simona Bianchi and Jonathan Mastellari
Original languageEnglish
Publication date2022
Media of outputVideo
Publication statusPublished - 2022

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