Asymmetry Reduction Theory of FDI: The Aspiration-Resource-Control (ARC) Framework

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    In this paper, I first briefly introduce Moon & Roehl’s (1993, 2001) imbalance theory of FDI, then I identify its three deficiencies that may be responsible for the relative lack of impact of the potentially powerful imbalance logic, and then I propose an asymmetry reduction theory (ARC) of FDI and explain its aspiration-resource-control (ARC) framework. I conclude the paper with a brief discussion of the OLI framework being a special case of the ARC framework.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication date2016
    Number of pages12
    Publication statusPublished - 2016
    EventThe 6th Aalborg International Business Conference: Embracing the Opportunities and Challenges of Globalization - From the West, the East and the South - Aalborg, Denmark
    Duration: 1 Jun 20163 Jun 2016
    Conference number: 6


    ConferenceThe 6th Aalborg International Business Conference
    Internet address

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