Assessing the Ability of the National Innovation System of South Africa to Facilitate the Fourth Industrial Revolution

Research output: Working paperResearch


This working paper examines different elements of South Africa’s national innovation system related to their ability to support the expansion of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. The national innovation system is assessed by characterising three categories of elements. First, contextual factors in the national innovation system are explored. Key factors considered include the regulatory system and competitive environment, infrastructure, availability of inputs, and demand. Second, the key actors including firms and a variety of organisations providing business support services are profiled. Third, the domestic and global networks that actors participate in are considered. This working paper is the second in a series of four.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationJohannesburg
PublisherUniversity of Johannesburg
Number of pages108
ISBN (Electronic)9781776303878
Publication statusPublished - 2021
SeriesSARChI Industrial Development Working Paper Series
NumberWP 2021-8b


  • National innovation system
  • Industrial development
  • South Africa

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