An Emerging Picture of the Innovative Potential and Collaborative Capacity (IP/CC) Among Indian ICT Companies

    Research output: Working paperResearch

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    In any type of inquiry, the choice of the instrument for inquiry is critical to the outcome of research. In our case once we had addressed the base line, created a valid base line to start engaging with the set of companies vetted by 5 regional expert groups we were now in the position to launch the survey. The survey was launched on the 1st of May and concluded on the 30th of September 2009. The purpose of this chapter is to first explain the survey instrument, in terms of how we went about conducting the survey. Then we will present some data and discuss the findings in an inductive manner. Meaning we will not presuppose or superimpose our understanding of what should be the levels of ICT innovation in India but instead engage with the data to provide insight to how the data could be interpreted. This is to our mind a more useful approach than engaging with the data from the standpoint of standards and comparisons. In section 2 we will describe the surveys intent and its logistical operation. In section 3, we will discuss the questioner itself, in Section 4 we will talk about problems of conducting a web based survey in India, what future investigations might want to learn from our experience. In section 5 we present the data using our established framework of innovative potential and collaborative capacity. In section 6, we will analyze the data presented in the previous section. In section 7 we will discuss some of the implications of the data and conclude with section 8. Let me remind the reader, the tables and charts that we present here is in no way comprehensive but just a snapshot of the most interesting aspect of the data and more importantly which lends itself to interesting interpretation.
    Original languageEnglish
    Place of PublicationFrederiksberg
    PublisherDepartment of Informatics INF, Copenhagen Business School
    Number of pages12
    Publication statusPublished - 2009
    SeriesWorking Paper / Institut for Informatik. Handelshøjskolen i København

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