An Analysis of Business Models in Public Service Platforms

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    Public Service Platforms (PSPs) are a new type of technology platform. They are based in the philosophy of New Public Management (NPM) and support public services for citizens in quasi-markets. This article increases our understanding of the business models behind these PSPs in terms of their Value Propositions, structures, networks, and financing. We interviewed representatives from 14 PSP providers in four public sectors in Sweden: education, healthcare, elder care, and public pensions. We identified a “Traditional view” with its focus on public agencies and neutral information and an “Emerging view” that includes dialogues, user evaluations, long-term perspectives on choice, promotion of the ideal of choice, and self-promotion by public agencies. The article contributes to research with its empirical example of the digitalization of NPM and the underlying business logic of PSPs.
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalGovernment Information Quarterly
    Issue number1
    Pages (from-to)6-14
    Number of pages9
    Publication statusPublished - Jan 2016


    • Public service platform
    • E-government
    • New public management
    • Digital platform
    • Business models

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