AIS4C: AIS Candid Conversation on Community Conduct: Panel Report from ICIS 2020

Helle Zinner Henriksen, Traci Carte, Ulrike Schultze, Dawn Owens, Maung Sein

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This report reflects the discussion that took place at a virtual panel at the ICIS 2020 conference. It focuses on a candid conversation on the code of conduct (AIS4C) among AIS community members. As our AIS community has evolved, we have grown in size, diversity, and in the scope of member needs; it is important for all stakeholders to understand what is expected as members of this academic community. The panel included those currently serving in AIS committees related to member and research conduct. The objective of the panel was to start a dialogue about what we – as members of the AIS – each hope to gain from our academic interactions, and how AIS can help members achieve these goals and help each other achieve desired outcomes. Maintaining good standing in the AIS community protects individuals’ professional reputations and the reputation of the IS discipline as a whole. Understanding what AIS offers its members to accomplish these objectives, allows individuals to fully leverage AIS member services to become more successful researchers and teachers. By situating the panel within the current COVID-disrupted world, the descriptions of desirable behavior among members and the outlining of member services, this panel report is intended to benefit current and future members of AIS.
Original languageEnglish
Article number18
JournalCommunications of the Association for Information Systems
Issue number1
Pages (from-to)80-94
Number of pages15
Publication statusPublished - Aug 2022


  • Code of conduct
  • Diversity
  • Inclusion

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