AI and Skills in the Workplace: An Integrative Research Agenda

Research output: Working paperResearchpeer-review

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The development and diffusion of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies in workplaces are transforming the nature of work practices and their constituent skill requirements. This dual transformation is challenging for workers, organisations, and societies, who are faced with the need to develop and enhance extant and new skills required to succeed in increasingly AI-mediated work settings. Although literature has recognised skills as a key factor in the development and uptake of AI technologies there has been paucity of empirical research on the precise nature of skill requirements in AI-mediated workplaces. This commentary argues that to advance our understanding of skill requirements in AI-mediated workplaces an integrative, multidisciplinary, multi-method, and multistakeholder approach is required. The commentary proposes an agenda for future research in this societally important but poorly understood area.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages10
Publication statusPublished - 2023

Bibliographical note

Accepted for publication in Big Data & Society on 19 September 2023


  • Artificial intelligence
  • Human intelligence
  • Skills
  • Human-AI interaction

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