A Survey on Data Storage and Placement Methodologies for Cloud-big Data Ecosystem

Somnath Mazumdar, Daniel Seybold, Kyriakos Kritikos*, Yiannis Verginadis

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Currently, the data to be explored and exploited by computing systems increases at an exponential rate. The massive amount of data or so-called “Big Data” put pressure on existing technologies for providing scalable, fast and efficient support. Recent applications and the current user support from multi-domain computing, assisted in migrating from data-centric to knowledge-centric computing. However, it remains a challenge to optimally store and place or migrate such huge data sets across data centers (DCs). In particular, due to the frequent change of application and DC behaviour (i.e., resources or latencies), data access or usage patterns need to be analyzed as well. Primarily, the main objective is to find a better data storage location that improves the overall data placement cost as well as the application performance (such as throughput). In this survey paper, we are providing a state of the art overview of Cloud-centric Big Data placement together with the data storage methodologies. It is an attempt to highlight the actual correlation between these two in terms of better supporting Big Data management. Our focus is on management aspects which are seen under the prism of non-functional properties. In the end, the readers can appreciate the deep analysis of respective technologies related to the management of Big Data and be guided towards their selection in the context of satisfying their non-functional application requirements. Furthermore, challenges are supplied highlighting the current gaps in Big Data management marking down the way it needs to evolve in the near future.
Original languageEnglish
Article number15
JournalJournal of Big Data
Number of pages37
Publication statusPublished - 2019
Externally publishedYes


  • Big Data
  • Cloud
  • Data models
  • Data storage
  • Placement

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