The advent of digital infrastructures is reshaping the way business operate and engage partners and customers. These infrastructures rely critically on processes of digitalisation reaching into new areas of human and business activities. While the academic world has begun studying these infrastructures in earnest, there are still significant areas untouched by principled inquiry. The aim of this paper will be to contribute to our understanding of the character of digital infrastructures based on automated algorithmic resource exchanges within flexibly reconfigured business networks. To study this, the research has engaged in a large-scale collection of data on the exchange of resources within a network consisting of 43 US-based digital news organisations and 1356 partner business units within 1043 individual firms. A total of approximately 12TB of data was collected during May 2014 and subsequently subjected to a network resource flow analysis. The main purpose of this complex arrangement is to serve as a bespoke digital infrastructure onto which each of the contributing organisation can extract value from digital news publishing and advertisement. The research seeks to contribute to our understanding of the role algorithmically defined digital infrastructures based on readily available digital data. In this particular case, the data stems from the digitisation of customer behaviour when accessing and navigating digital resources as represented by the HTTP requests between servers and aggregated news pages. The research suggests that increasing digitalisation of resources will provide foundations for automated digital infrastructures.Period | 25 Oct 2016 |
Event type | Seminar |
Location | London, United KingdomShow on map |