Pay Attention to Sacred Places: How Reinforced Concrete Acquired Prestige

  • Mélodie Cartel (Panel member)
  • Boxenbaum, E. (Panel member)
  • Sylvain Colombero (Panel member)

Activity: Talk or presentationLecture and oral contribution


Contribution to the symposium "Situated Institutions: Exploring Place and Space in Institutional Dynamics" (session 1499). Place and space have long been the focus of studies of organizations (e.g. Bucher & Langley, 2016; Elsbach, 2004; Elsbach & Pratt, 2007; Tuan, 1974), but only recently are explored in institutional studies. For example, recent work examines the role of place in institutional change and maintenance on the organizational (Kellogg, 2009; Perkmann, McKelvey, & Phillips, 2019; Sibert, Wilson, & Hamilton, 2017), community (Marquis & Battilana, 2009; Rao & Greve, 2018), field (Cartel, Boxenbaum, & Aggeri, 2019; Furnari, 2014; Lounsbury, 2007; Mair & Hehenberger, 2014; Ziestma & Lawrence, 2010; Zilber, 2011; Zilber, 2018), or societal levels (Mair, 2012). Recent studies also explore the role of place in reviving tradition (Dacin, Nasra, & Leithwood, 2009), voluntary standards adoption (York, Vedula, & Lenox, 2018), and in institutional work (Lawrence & Dover, 2015). Our symposium explores the situatedness of institutional dynamics. Through the presentation of a theoretical model and three empirical studies, we will discuss how place impacts the salience, resonance, strength, and scope of institutions. With an introduction to place at the beginning, discussant’s comments, and a directed Q&A with audience participation at the end, this symposium will also explore the value of place to broader discussions about institutions.
Period11 Aug 2020
Event titleThe Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2020: Broadening Our Sight
Event typeConference
Conference number80
OrganiserAcademy of Management
Degree of RecognitionInternational