This master thesis investigates and reveals new knowledge to a topic, we think is a relatively new phenomenon - the use of social and political messages in marketing. More concretely, this thesis seeks to answer the question of why companies use the kind of marketing that resembles a social movements communication and what some of the communicative and social characteristics is for this marketing form. This thesis’ analytical strategy is to get inspired by Niklas Luhmann’s and Ernesto Laclau’s theoretical standpoints and to challenge traditional marketing models like the well-known Marketingmix. This thesis will especially use concepts such as empty signifier and dislocation, to understand some of the borders that the communication creates in order to understand the socialities, that is constructed in the Viral Videos. By looking to existing literature on Corporate Social Responsibility, marketing and advertising and by collecting 18 videos as our empirical data, this thesis is looking at, how companies can get a viral effect of the videos. Our motivation behind these subjects arises from the fact, that more and more companies use social and political messages in their videos on social medias and online in general. In line with a development in society, where digitization fills more, companies have to adjust their strategic efforts in order to meet the trends. Today the consumers no longer respond to the functionality of products, but they want to buy from companies, that are socially responsible and proactive. As consumers are more powerful today due to social medias, and as their demands have grown, companies have to address the consumers differently, why this new marketing phenomenon makes this master thesis relevant. This master thesis concludes that, communicatively, the Viral Videos can be characterized in to genres, which are the experimental videos and fast-sequence videos. The experimental videos are longer, and they mostly have one specific message with a storyline, whereas fast-sequence videos appeal to multiple-feelings in a shorter amount of time due to the multiple scenes, why they can be characterized by the lack of storyline. Moreover, we find some social characteristics, which are about the communities, that the communication creates. These are female community, minority community and the community of the free. As such, this thesis contributes with a reflexive and critical view on the marketingmix model and the videos in general, why we challenge the model by adding a 1B to the 7P’s in the model, where the B refers to having a citizen-oriented perspective to marketing
Uddannelser | Cand.soc.pkl Politisk Kommunikation og Ledelse, (Kandidatuddannelse) Afsluttende afhandling |
Sprog | Dansk |
Udgivelsesdato | 2018 |
Antal sider | 177 |
Vejledere | Anne Vestergaard |