Using Social Media Influencers to Facilitate Social Change

Christian Weybye Svensson

Studenteropgave: Kandidatafhandlinger


PURPOSE - The purpose of this master's thesis - Using Social Media Influencers to Facilitate Social Change – is exploring the role of a social media influencer as part of a social marketing campaign. The overall research question of “How can using social media influencers in social marketing campaigns, affect GenZ’s behavioral intention and attitude towards unhealthy habits?” will be addressed. DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH - This master's thesis follow a deductive approach to empirical research; and the methodology is based on semi-structured interviews with a branding expert and recruitment managers in order to shed light on the topics of personal branding and recruitment from different angles. FINDINGS - The findings indicate that social media influencers have a dual role in social marketing. Both as a promotional means of reaching a young audience, while also act as a facilitator of attitude and behavioral change. However, the research and analysis indicate that an influencer will have most success within the scope of their own channel and normal audience PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS - This research emphasize that using social media influencers as part of a social marketing campaign can serve as a successful tool depending on the campaign objective and the type of influencer. KEYWORDS - Social marketing, influencer marketing, social media, source credibility, social behavior, para-social relationship, Generation Z,

UddannelserCand.ling.merc Erhvervssprog og International Erhvervskommunikation (Interkulturel Marketing), (Kandidatuddannelse) Afsluttende afhandling
Antal sider114
VejledereLiana Razmerita