The Impact of Augmented Reality on Customer Experience

Philip Sebastian Merrild Archibald & Mark Feldborg Lohse

Studenteropgave: Kandidatafhandlinger


This dissertation seeks to explain how Augmented Reality can impact customer experience in retail using Louis Poulsen’s Augmented Reality application as a case study. In recent years Augmented Reality has gained most traction within retail. However, there is a general lack of work in this area. The exception is a few studies that have looked at the visualization capacity of AR in retail. For these reasons it is interesting to explain the impact of AR technology on customer experience within the retail industry and its impact on multiple stakeholders. The study seeks to explore and explain the impact of Augmented Reality on customer experience through an abductive approach using a single-case study strategy. The primary data is gathered through multi-method qualitative study and secondary data on Augmented Reality and Customer Experience Theory. Due to the abductive approach two analyses are conducted. Firstly, an deductive analyses is carried out on Louis Poulsen internally and their retailers. Findings from the deductive analysis show that Augmented Reality has the potential to positively impact customer experience hereby creating value for Louis Poulsen internally. However, Augmented Reality did not create value for the retailers as the technology did not impact their customer experience. Findings from the second analysis derived from the inductive analysis, which was based on Louis Poulsen customers. The inductive analysis arrived to the conclusion that Augmented Reality has a positive impact on customer experience due to its visualization capabilities. Based on the findings from deductive and inductive analyses it can be concluded that Augmented Reality has a positive impact on customer experience in retail.

UddannelserMSc in Business Administration and E-business, (Kandidatuddannelse) Afsluttende afhandling
Antal sider189
VejledereStefan Henningsson