The Conundrum of Open Government Data Utilization: A Danish Commercial User-perspective

Pernille Kvamsdal

Studenteropgave: Kandidatafhandlinger


The expected impacts of open government data (OGD) are not realized, and the missing user-perspective is a bottleneck in understanding why. This research takes a step in bridging the gap by investigating a Danish commercial user-perspective of how the facilitating conditions influence the perceived use-value of OGD. The study takes an abductive approach to theory development and adopts a single case study of a Danish organization.
Interviews with employees and observational accounts were used to explore the user-perspective. The theoretical lens of framing was applied to analyze data. This study identified four archetypical organizational users, which differed in relation to how they work with OGD: business developers, data visualizers, software developers, and data scientists. The user archetypes presented a diversity in how they framed the influence of the facilitating conditions - data-openness and data-quality - on the perceived usevalue of OGD. This study contributes to current research within this field by providing empirical insights into the missing user-perspective, and further contributes to practice by outlining a set of recommendations for public managers who design OGD initiatives. Business Administration and Information Systems, (Kandidatuddannelse) Afsluttende afhandling
Antal sider70
VejledereRony Medaglia