The state of our current world is undergoing a paradigm shift due to an increasing emphasis on sustainability. This shift is fueled by institutional pressures that demand and expect companies to acknowledge and address the environmental impact of their operations. Such pressures are disrupting traditional ways of operating for companies, including those in the classic Danish furniture industry. This thesis explores the consequences of an increase in institutional pressures for sustainability on companies in the classic Danish furniture industry. The purpose of the research is to investigate how such pressures for sustainability are influencing companies in an industry known for its deep roots in tradition and substantial design heritage and the potential conflicts that may arise from the intersection of sustainability and tradition. The methodology employed in this thesis involves a triangulation of data sources. Regulative documents and news articles were analyzed to identify the presence of institutional pressures for sustainability in the industry. Primary data was collected through qualitative interviews with experts from the industry to analyze the intersection of tradition and sustainability, and to complement further assessments with insights from the experts. The findings indicate that institutional pressures for sustainability demand a comprehensive response from classic Danish furniture companies to be perceived as credible and legitimate in the forthcoming future. However, the industry's deep-rooted tradition and classic integrity present a potential for conflicting challenges in aligning with transformative sustainability expectations. For instance, conflicts in tension between maintaining honorable traditions and addressing greater responsibilities, or the struggle between certainty and uncertainty in embracing sustainability's premises. To overcome these challenges, the thesis provides recommendations for industry companies, emphasizing the importance of balancing conflicting priorities, embracing change, responding to sustainability pressures, and leveraging opportunities to stay relevant, build long-term legitimacy, and ensure future success despite the inherent complexities imposed by these institutional pressures.
Uddannelser | Cand.merc.kom Erhvervsøkonomi og Virksomhedskommunikation, (Kandidatuddannelse) Afsluttende afhandling |
Sprog | Engelsk |
Udgivelsesdato | 15 maj 2023 |
Antal sider | 116 |
Vejledere | Anne Vestergaard |