In academic and practical setting, the use of influencer marketing has gain popularity. Previous studies have primarily focused on Millennials and fails to consider generational differences. Generation Z (Gen Z) has been exposed to influencer marketing from an early age and exhibits differences in their behavior and preferences compared to other generations. Influencer marketing has emerged as a mean for companies to promote their products, leading to a commercialization of influencers into a professional work. The commercialization of influencers has changed the perceived credibility towards influencers and their endorsements, why this thesis examines Gen Z perception of credibility in influencer marketing. The research is based on a qualitative methodology and includes eight semi-structured interviews with respondents from Gen Z. This research contributes the literature on credibility in influencer marketing and generational differences, by examining Gen Zs meanings and perception in relation to credibility in influencer marketing on Instagram. This study uncovers novel attributes used by Gen Z to evaluate the credibility of influencer’s credibility. The study finds that Gen Z does not view influencers as credible, due to the commercial nature. However, influencers that Gen Z follows are perceived as more credible. The main finding shows that Gen Z use personal-driven and content-driven attributes to evaluate influencers credibility, by exploring the tension between influencers intention and level of recommendation. The empirical evidence shows that the relation between Gen Z and influencers have a say in influencers source credibility, as it is based on familiarity and transparency. The number of followers and partnerships that influencers have, has an impact in how the credibility is perceived. Gen Z often follow an influencer for a reason, why at product match is extremely important in the perceived credibility, together with the influencer’s honesty, knowledge, engagement and repetitiveness in post. Moreover, the perceived product match in the sponsored posts serves as an indicator of an influencer’s sincerity and credibility in the recommendation, influencing Gen Z’s perception of relevance and value.
Uddannelser | Cand.merc.emf Økonomisk Markedsføring, (Kandidatuddannelse) Afsluttende afhandling |
Sprog | Dansk |
Udgivelsesdato | 15 maj 2023 |
Antal sider | 180 |
Vejledere | Siv Pedersen |