(Re)Branding of Women's Football In Denmark

Alexander Schou Knuthsen & Daniel Hyldegaard Sørensen

Studenteropgave: Kandidatafhandlinger


This thesis investigates the branding strategies required to increase women's football in Denmark's brand value. Despite its increasing popularity, women's football faces significant challenges related to sponsorship, media representation, and fan engagement that hinder its growth. This thesis uses a combination of qualitative interviews and theoretical frameworks to conduct a comprehensive analysis and identify key areas that require strategic focus to improve the sport's commercial viability and public perception.
The research highlights the importance of relationship marketing in developing long-term partnerships with sponsors. It demonstrates that in order to strengthen the profile of the sport, effective branding strategies need to incorporate increased fan engagement, innovative sponsorship agreements, and enhanced media strategies in addition to more traditional methods of marketing. The findings suggest that clubs and leagues must adopt a holistic marketing approach, focusing on building strong business relationships and engaging fan experiences.
Furthermore, the thesis discusses the managerial implications of these strategies within the context of women's football in Denmark and offers practical recommendations for stakeholders. By aligning marketing initiatives with the distinctive features of women's football, stakeholders can accelerate the sport's expansion and guarantee its longevity and popularity within the competitive Danish sports scene.
This work contributes to the existing literature on sports marketing and provides a framework for other sports disciplines facing similar branding challenges. It also serves as a guide for sports marketers, club managers, and other stakeholders aiming to enhance the appeal and marketability of women's sports through targeted branding initiatives.

UddannelserCand.merc.bcm Brand and Communications Management, (Kandidatuddannelse) Afsluttende afhandling
Antal sider94
VejledereSven Junghagen