The purpose of this assignment is to find out to what extent and in which ways the children’s health care visitor service in Horsens municipality creates public value through offering parental education courses called ”Family Entrepreneurs” to both fathers and mothers having their first child. The primary methods used in this assignment is the public value scorecard created by Timo Meynhard to measure public value, as well as two focus group interviews with a group of parents and a group of professionals leading the courses. Public value theories by Timo Meynhardt and Mark Moore are deployed to analyse the collected data. As a result, the primary results are found to be as follows. The frameworks by both Meynhadt and Moore are very useful in order to find in what way the Family Entrepreneurs course create value and where the possibilities for improvement are to be found. I find that it is necessary to further develop competencies of the groupleaders in order to facilitate the group processes, as well as work towards increased participation of the fathers in the program.
Uddannelser | Master of Public Governance , (Masteruddannelse) Afsluttende afhandling |
Sprog | Dansk |
Udgivelsesdato | 2019 |
Antal sider | 50 |
Vejledere | Kirstine Zinck Pedersen |