Moleskine Virtual Cognitive Laboratory: A Digital Tool to Increase Creativity and Stimulate Innovation

Matilde Scarioli & Elisa Vannini

Studenteropgave: Kandidatafhandlinger


This dissertation aims at identifying some of the benefits that the introduction of a Virtual Cognitive Laboratory might bring to both the company “Moleskine” and its potential users. Built on the data collected through a questionnaire addressing a group of “creative talents”, the investigation focuses on two main aspects of the creative process: the individual need to build the knowledge necessary to produce a creative outcome, and the predisposition towards taking part in a community in order to foster knowledge production, acquisition and transfer even further. The findings, integrated in a conceptual framework, suggest that the creative talents involved in the study inform their creative process in several ways and rely on a variety of sources that go beyond the boundaries of their specific filed of practice. Moreover, the results show that they look at interactions between one another in a positive way. Overall, this study represents a preliminary investigation providing positive signals on which to build further research in future.

UddannelserCand.merc.mib Management of Innovation and Business Development, (Kandidatuddannelse) Afsluttende afhandling
Antal sider131
VejledereTore Kristensen