Lad os tale om sexisme: En kandidatafhandling om danske mediers fremstilling af sexisme

Natasha Eybye Grønlund

Studenteropgave: Kandidatafhandlinger


Purpose – While studies, research and rapports have shown that Denmark has been falling behind in terms of gender equality, it has been a long-standing assumption that both genders are equal in Denmark, which may in return play a key role in the lack in progress. However, at Zulu Comedy Galla 2020 Sofie Linde arguably challenged this view with her speech. Since the term ‘sexism’ has occupied Danish news media. Based on the assumption that the agenda of the media in large becomes the agenda of the public, the purpose of this paper is to explore how selected news media have portrayed the issue of sexism in order to find important and possible differences in discursive tendencies. Methodology – This paper employs Fairclough critical discourse analysis to a total of nine media articles from DR, Politiken and Zetland published in the period of late August 2020 to end of January 2021. The method allows for a thorough and text-oriented analysis, but also allows for other theories and perspectives to be employed as well. Theory – Aiding the critical discourse analysis – which is the primary theory and method of this paper – are agenda-setting theory, framing theory, a historical perspective on Danish news media, and knowledge on sexism and gender bias in Denmark. Combined, the theories allow for an understanding of the role of the news media in selecting and framing issues as well as an understanding of the elements that surround the discourse presented. Findings – The paper finds that the selected media articles in large portray sexism as an issue needing to be solved, but it remains unclear how sexism is to be understood exactly. Despite the complexity of the issue, the media points to specific actions and responsibilities, while in large ignoring their own role. In addition, the paper finds that the news media assign men and women different roles in the discourse around sexism, portraying them against each other, rather than shedding light on the importance of perceived gender roles and gender bias. This paper argues that the latter two are important aspects in understanding sexism. Finally, the paper finds that while the news media generally follow the ideal of objectivity, presenting their statements as ‘truths’, the younger player, Zetland, employs subjective modality and lower affinity, moving away from this line of thinking.

UddannelserCand.merc.kom Erhvervsøkonomi og Virksomhedskommunikation, (Kandidatuddannelse) Afsluttende afhandling
Antal sider80