Corporate Social Innovation and Symbiotic Value Creation in Partnerships: Case Study: danishknowhow’s Agribusiness Incubator in Moamba, Mozambique

Rasmus Kjeldsen

Studenteropgave: Kandidatafhandlinger


The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the potential for Danish companies to implement and manage corporate social innovation (CSI) in emerging markets through business model innovation based on value creating partnerships. The research is conducted with reference to the practical case of the Danish agribusiness company danishknowhow’s Incubator Program (the Incubator) in Mozambique. The study aims at clarifying how Danish companies can work strategically with CSI through partnerships with the Incubator, at examining the potential residing in these, as well as the possibilities of the successful management of disruptive CSI-business models in emerging markets. Furthermore, the study seeks to uncover the potential for value creation on the levels of the partner company, the Incubator and society, respectively. The methodology of the study is both inductive and deductive, basing the formation of new theory within the field investigated on existing literature and empirical data. The research consults primary data in the shape of empirical findings obtained through qualitative methods. This data consists of interviews with representatives for the case company and several Danish companies. With regards to secondary data, the study relies on literature primarily within the fields of CSI, the concept of shared value, business model innovation, and partnerships. The research was conducted successfully, equipping the author with the results needed to conclude eligibly on the study. The findings show a gap between the theoretical potential of CSI and the perception of the concept among interviewees, as well as a clear lack of willingness to venture into CSI-projects. To narrow this gap, the author proposes a concrete model for the Incubator to consult when approaching potential partner companies. This action plan, based on existing literature and conclusions drawn from the empirical data, brings the potential partner company and the Incubator one step closer in the process of establishing a common ground for collaboration. The findings moreover show a credible potential for value creation on the levels of the partner company, the Incubator and society, for CSI-business models conducted in partnership with the Incubator. Furthermore, the findings suggest an immense importance of accounting for the economical, social, and environmental bottom line to ensure legitimacy and credibility of both the partner company and the incubator. The author proposes danishknowhow to take the findings of this study into account, and to implement the consultative use of the action plan in the future, when approaching potential partner companies.

UddannelserCand.merc.smc Strategic Market Creation, (Kandidatuddannelse) Afsluttende afhandling
Antal sider125