The Impact of Horizon 2020 on European Research and Innovation: Case study of FLSmidth

Adnan Ali Khan

Studenteropgave: Kandidatafhandlinger


This paper examines Horizon 2020’s ability to solve key challenges facing the EU, and how it can help to improve research and innovation at FLSmidth. A macro and micro level approach is used, where the EU related issues are presented in the macro sections and FLSmidth related issues in the micro sections. Both are combined at the end. The key external and internal challenges facing the EU are presented and analysed, to see why the institutional logic in the EU’s research and innovation policy has shifted. The research and innovation related challenges facing FLSmidth are also presented and analysed. Guided by a conceptual framework, key factors and relationships were identified and studied in order to understand the field of research. This paper has applied the qualitative method in the form of six semi-structured interviews of key employees in FLSmidth, to get their input on the challenges facing FLSmidth. The interviews attempt to highlight how people in different parts of FLSmidth see the research and innovation related challenges, and if they believe open innovation and public funding can help address these challenges. Among key findings, FLSmidth relies primarily on closed innovation, but has collaborated with universities and takes part in industry associations. The paper looks at the impact of these collaborations, the EU’s aim of increasing industry participation in Horizon 2020, and gives recommendations for the EU and FLSmidth, on how Horizon 2020 can best address their challenges.

UddannelserCand.merc.pol International Business and Politics, (Kandidatuddannelse) Afsluttende afhandling
Antal sider86