Antecedents of Turnover Intentions and Job-hopping of Millennials

Katarina Dzacovska

Studenteropgave: Kandidatafhandlinger


High employee turnover and job-hopping of Millennials have been identified as emerging problems by many researchers and many employers. Not much consensus exists on the definition of job-hopping, its motives, and the relationship of various factors and this phenomenon making it an interesting topic to study.
The purpose of this thesis is to determine the tenure of Millennials and to provide additional support or denial of the claim of high turnover rates and job-hopping of this generation. Moreover, this thesis aims to find motives that drive this behavior, identify factors, their relationship with, and its strength of influence on turnover intentions. Lastly, it aims at discovering if turnover intentions are a good predictor of the actual behavior of Millennials.
Positivism, as a research philosophy and quantitative methods serve as the methodological base of the thesis. The data analysis of the survey results is executed using the multiple regression that helps with hypotheses testing.
The findings of this thesis complement already existing quantitative research and support the statements of a very short tenure of Millennials that suggests the job-hopping tendency of this generation. Moreover, it supports the prevalence of the advancement motive of job-hopping. Turnover intentions are found to have a significant influence on the actual turnover, as two of three determinants from the Theory of planned behavior have shown a statistically significant positive relationship with turnover intentions.
Education level, attitudes towards behavior, and subjective norms are identified as having a positive relation to turnover intentions. Age, job category, affective commitment, intrinsic and extrinsic satisfaction are suggested to have a negative relationship with turnover intentions.
The main contribution of this thesis is adding up-to-date quantitative data to supplement current research done on this topic, elaborating on the specific generation and not industry. It offers a perspective on the possibilities of controlling various factors that influence this behavior of Millennials. It thus provides both, employers with a starting point and possibilities of controlling some factors and finding a way to decrease these turnover rates and researchers with a starting point on studying specific relationships of factors influencing the job-hopping. Service Management, (Kandidatuddannelse) Afsluttende afhandling
Antal sider85
VejledereLiana Razmerita