Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to contribute to the field of consumer culture. More specifically, the individuals relationship with AI will be examined to reveal what concerns the individual tend to ascribe to the area of AI today. In this relation, this paper will pursue to illuminate which online privacy concerns, related to AI, that is of concern for the individual today. In a similar vein, this paper will also cover the individual’s online privacy concerns in relation to data, as data and technologies is closely connected. Additionally, the purpose of this paper is also to discuss what causes the individual to argue as they in relation to their online privacy concerns, which is illuminated by the CPM theory and the Privacy Paradox.
Approach and Design: This study is an attitudinal study, directing a cross-sectional assessment of knowledge, as the individual’s opinions to online privacy concerns are examined on a given point in time. For analysis, a qualitative approach have been applied as this paper aims to reveal the individuals subconscious, in-depth knowledge. In this regard, two group interviews were conducted, featuring one group of five younger adults and one group of five older adults.
Findings and Discussion: First, the findings indicate that the participants, neither younger adults nor older adults, associate online privacy concerns with AI. Rather, the participants tended associate online privacy concerns with data, which was further associated with four main groups of concern: ‘Cross-domain tracking’, ‘small print’ ‘hacking’, ‘small print’ and ‘giving up data in return for social benefits’. Further, it was discussed, in relation to the CPM theory, that the participants did, to some extent, seem to be steered by several criteria, which they revert to when they manage their online privacy. These criteria was found to be: Gendered Criteria, Risk-Benefit Ratio Criteria and Cultural Criteria. Finally, there was indication from the findings suggesting that some participants in each interview group expressed a sense of indolence, in relation to their privacy management. Though, recent studies on the Privacy Paradox indicates that there is no reason to believe that this behaviour was paradoxical.
Uddannelser | Cand.ling.merc Erhvervssprog og International Erhvervskommunikation (Interkulturel Marketing), (Kandidatuddannelse) Afsluttende afhandling |
Sprog | Engelsk |
Udgivelsesdato | 2018 |
Antal sider | 165 |
Vejledere | Fabian Csaba |