Når plejen bliver digitaliseret: Et casestudie af omsorgsteknologis rolle for oplevelsen af "den gode plejer"

Cecilie Foss Mikkelsen & Line Holmberg Olsen

Studenteropgave: Kandidatafhandlinger


Today, we are witnessing major developments within digitalization and new technologies are emerging in the Danish Public Health Sector. This study draws attention to the influence technology has on a sector where nursing and care are fundamental elements – qualities which technologies do not yet seem to embrace. A literary review shows both that technology is utilized as a way to increase efficiency in the care sector and is furthermore identified as an obstacle which limits the care workers in performing their core competencies. In continuation, this case study examines the influence that the specific technology, Cura, has on employees at a local nursing home, Hyggebo, located in the municipality of Copenhagen. The study employs qualitative methods where interviews have been conducted with assistants and managers.
The analysis is theoretically informed by different frameworks, including themes such as power, control and the influence of technological attributes in order to facilitate a multifaceted analysis and discussion. The results reveal three substantial problems caused by Cura. Firstly, it reveals that the presence of Cura places the role of “the good care worker” under negotiation. Secondly, it appears that Cura has contradictory consequences for the professional competencies of the care workers. Lastly, there seems to exist a two-folded understanding of Cura as a control mechanism operating both as a helpful tool, but also as a surveillance tool.
We conclude that the perception of “the good care worker” brought forth by the utilization of Cura is a prevalent dilemma at Hyggebo. Thus, it is evident that the new technology plays a complex role in the employees’ perception of “the good care worker”. However, this prevalent dilemma further appears to exist on a macro-level where technology and the current COVID-19 crisis continuously create new opportunities and challenges within the health and care sector.

UddannelserCand.merc.kom Erhvervsøkonomi og Virksomhedskommunikation, (Kandidatuddannelse) Afsluttende afhandling
Antal sider134
VejledereJulie Uldam