Motivation Behind Consumer Resale on Trendsales

Julie Nøhr Strange Nørring

Studenteropgave: Kandidatafhandlinger


The focus of this research paper is to investigate the motivation of Danish consumers’ decision to resell clothing and personal items on Trendsales. This should provide beneficial insight for the marketing initiatives of Trendsales and possible initiatives for more sustainable consumer disposal behavior in Denmark.
The research is positioned within a Consumer Culture Theory framework, specifically the field of Consumer Identity Projects, with a process designed according to The Four–Step Method of Inquiry by McCracken and approached from a hermeneutic contextual perspective. The theoretical framework mainly consisted of Bourdieu’s Theory of Practice, Belk’s Extended Self and Ahuvia’s Strategies of a Coherent Self. Empirical data was gathered through five semi structured in depth lifeworld interviews with Danish female Trendsales users, aged 20-60 and situated in Copenhagen. The interviews were constructed and analyzed through a continuous back and forth process between the theoretical framework and empirical findings.
This lead to a final discussion, suggesting that consumers are motivated to sell their items on Trendsales as a part of different identity projects, which may be fulfilled through the Symbolic Value within this act. It further suggests an increased attraction to Trendsales resale as sellers become part of the Field it forms and the internal battle for Capital it contains. Finally, the research suggests an even greater motivation due to Trendsales’ synthesizing impact on the individual’s management of a coherent self.

UddannelserCand.merc.smc Strategic Market Creation, (Kandidatuddannelse) Afsluttende afhandling
Antal sider177