take on this research by introducing the brand literature field presented by Terry Hanby [1999]. Here, the central research perspective is established as a consumer perspective on brands. Next, I give a brief account of the development in our society from agricultural society to information and dream society. This is followed by Douglas B. Holt’s theory on how consumer culture and branding develop in accordance to a dialectics, and in compliance with the changes in society [2002]. This makes it out for this thesis’ understanding of consumer culture. Additionally, as a platform for comparison, I provide a thorough account of the postmodern society and consumer culture, discussing the implications for consumption and marketing and branding. In the light of this, the thesis analyses the most recent changes in consumption patterns and progressive consumption trends, which among other things are prompted by the current recession in the Danish economy. This analysis is premised upon Gilles Lipovetsky’s theory of hypermodernity. From this, I find the Danish consumer to be essentially hypermodern. Given this insight, the thesis takes on a theoretical discussion of how existing theories of consumers and brands can take account of the new dynamics in Danish consumption. The section seeks to clarify which role the brand can expect to have in a future consumption context. This discussion is primarily theoretical but keeps a practical aim. Finally, the thesis discusses how companies can mobilise the theoretical perspectives into a more practical use, drawing on Heding and Knudtzen’s systematic approach to brand management [2009]. The thesis suggests that companies can benefit from taking on several approaches to branding which involve the Danish consumer in the branding process. These recommendations are not to be interpreted as regular action plans, but rather as a source of inspiration for future branding strategies towards the Danish consumers. Ultimately, the thesis concludes that in order to meet the needs and demands of the Danish consumers, companies have to approach branding with a willingness to involve and engage the consumers in the branding process. Branding should be considered a continual learning process where companies can benefit from customers’ contribution to the value creation. I also argue that in the future, companies must strive to keep up with the changes in the market and listen to the consumers in order to remain a relevant alternative in an ever-changing society.
Uddannelser | Cand.ling.merc Erhvervssprog og International Erhvervskommunikation (Interkulturel Marketing), (Kandidatuddannelse) Afsluttende afhandling |
Sprog | Dansk |
Udgivelsesdato | 2009 |
Antal sider | 105 |