UN Global Compact in China: With “Chinese Characteristics”?

Hedda Wilhelmine Himle Skandsen & Estefania Corona Orea

Studenteropgave: Kandidatafhandlinger


This thesis investigates how the UN Global Compact navigates in challenging contexts, with a case study on China. UN Global Compact Local Networks play a pivotal role in translating the UN Global Compact’s ten principles into local realities, and this thesis investigates the role of UNGC Network China, in acting as a facilitator for the UN Global Compact’s headquarter, in the country. The analysis consists of three parts: first, the specific Chinese institutional factors that drive or hinder the development of CSR in China are discussed in order to provide an overview of the CSR-related institutional context within which Network China has to operate. Secondly, it analyses the different ways in which UNGC Network China has adapted to this institutional context. Lastly, it investigates whether UNGC Network China has been successful in adapting to its local context by investigating the response from businesses to the UNGC before and after the establishment of the network.

UddannelserCand.merc.Business, Language and Culture - Business and Development Studies, (Kandidatuddannelse) Afsluttende afhandling
Antal sider158
VejledereAnne Vestergaard