The purpose of this thesis is to valuate the impact 3D printing may have on our current society with both a legal aspect and an economic analysis. 3D printing has in the last 5 years been under a significant technological development where printing has become far more efficient. Ceased patents have created a significant price reduction in personal 3D printers, which has made 3D printers accessible for a wider section of the population. Due to this development, it is relevant to evaluate the effect 3D printing and how it will impact the society. This thesis will focus on the European InfoSoc-directive to deduce how current legislation should apply on legal copyright issues, that could occur with 3D printing. The economic aspect of this thesis will measure the impact 3D printing technology on the current production market. The focus will be on the impact 3D printing can have on traditional production, in terms of lower cost followed with 3D printing. The notable reduction of costs will enable private people to enter the production market. Transaction costs could be drastically reduced by 3D printing, because the transaction between seller and buyer will be digitalized. The impact 3D printing can enforce could change the market structure towards a perfect competition market. The integrated section will combine the deduced information that has been analysed by the law and economic theories, with the purpose of an assessment of the InfoSoc-directive and how it can improve so that society can achieve optimal economic growth from 3D-printing technology
Uddannelser | Cand.merc.jur Erhvervsøkonomi og Jura, (Kandidatuddannelse) Afsluttende afhandling |
Sprog | Dansk |
Udgivelsesdato | 2017 |
Antal sider | 132 |