This thesis seeks to explore the Norwegian Fashion industry and it’s lack of brand identity. Norwegian Fashion Institute (NMI – Norsk Mote Institutt) opened in February 2009 and has as one of their main goals to promote Norwegian Fashion in Norway and abroad. Norwegian Fashion is not as internationally known as our Scandinavian neighbours’ fashion and thus NMI has an important job ahead of them. According to Per Aage Sivertsen, Head of Design for FIN Fashion, this is a perfect time to strengthen Norwegian Fashion as fashion is very much in focus in the Scandinavian countries and it is important to exploit that opportunity when it is present. As NMI is still at the infant stage, there are some strategic actions I feel are important to take in the near future in order to fulfil their goals. The recommendations are based on findings from brand management theory, strategic management theory, fashion theory as well as findings from surveys conducted for this report. Norwegian Fashion Institute should: - Support and aid research on Norwegian fashion design as it provides a foundation for further evolvement of Norwegian fashion - Map the Norwegian Fashion Field to identify all institutional actors - Promote the building of a fashion cluster in Oslo, as tacit knowledge is key in creative industries - Conduct an extensive industry research including SWOT analysis, Porters Five Forces, identifying the various actors, characteristics, similarities and differences between brands - Aid Oslo Fashion Week in attracting international buyers to the fashion week - Get more exposure about Norwegian Fashion in Norwegian fashion magazines
Uddannelser | Cand.soc.cbp Management of Creative Business Processes , (Kandidatuddannelse) Afsluttende afhandling |
Sprog | Engelsk |
Udgivelsesdato | 2010 |
Antal sider | 85 |