Wider dem sauren Mund: Beiersdorfs U.S.-Geschaeft mit der Zahnpastamarke Pebeco

Geoffrey Jones, Christina Lubinski

Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapportBidrag til bog/antologiForskningpeer review


This article examines the growth and ultimate demise of the toothpaste brand Pebeco, which was created by the German personal care company Beiersdorf in 1903. The brand was an enormous international success, becoming for a time the largest toothpaste brand in the United States. During the interwar years, however, the brand suffered a precipitate decline and fell into oblivion. This article explores the rise and fall of the Pebeco brand. It shows the challenges faced by German-based multinationals in the United States (and elsewhere) during and after World War I, as well as demonstrating the rapidly changing market for dental hygiene in the interwar period. New marketing strategies based on psychological science and consumer protection agencies changed the rules of the game and left Pebeco unable to compete against firms such as Colgate.
TitelHamburger Wirtschafts-Chronik (HWC) : Neue Folge Band 9 (2010)
Antal sider25
ForlagVerlag Hanseatischer Merkur
ISBN (Trykt)0436-7030
StatusUdgivet - 2012
Udgivet eksterntJa
NavnHamburger Wirtschafts-Chronik


  • Growth and Development
  • Market Entry and Exit
  • Problems and Challenges
  • Marketing strategy
  • Markets
  • Change
  • Customers
  • Social psychology
  • Science
  • Brands and Branding
  • Competitive Strategy
  • Consumer Products Industry
  • United States
  • Germany
