When West Meets East: The Case of a Scandinavian Consulting Firm's Entry into India

Flemming Poulfelt, Irene Skovgaard Smith, Kåre G. Christensen

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    The paper explores how a Scandinavian management consulting firm entered the Indian market and how this process of international expansion set in motion a significant change in organisational identity. The purpose of the article is to explore and reflect on how a medium-sized consulting firm managed its transition to the new context of India and the resulting implications for practising consulting in a new environment. In this case, the
    experience in India changed the firm and challenged preconceptions about
    the process of globalisation being a one-way export of Western products,
    knowledge and ideas. A different firm emerged from the experience: one that is
    not only more international but which is also now becoming more clearly
    differentiated in the Scandinavian market. The phenomenon observed is termed
    ‘reverse consulting’ and is emerging as a new driver in the internationalisation
    of professional services firms.
    TidsskriftEuropean Journal of International Management
    Udgave nummer4
    Sider (fra-til)373-391
    StatusUdgivet - 2014


    • Management consulting firm
    • Internationalisation
    • International management
    • Entry strategy
    • Professional service firm
    • Reverse consulting
    • Organisational identity
    • Integration process
