What is Responsible Design Education?

Luke Feast, Bo T. Christensen, Peter Gall Krogh, Colin M. Gray, Linda Nhu Laursen

Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapportKonferencebidrag i proceedingsForskningpeer review


From being an ideal, it has become imperative to act responsibly in all matters in society. While responsible design is described as responding to the needs of and challenges faced by society, the understanding of what a responsible design education entails is still unclear.

In this paper, we investigate the scope and meaning of “responsible design” in design education through a mixed-methods study incorporating a scoping review and a participatory workshop. The scoping review analysed 62 studies on responsible design education covering dimensions including ontology, outcomes, audience, assessment, content, and pedagogy. The participatory workshop involved 12 design academics sorting and discussing key quotes extracted from the literature.

The findings suggest responsible design education should develop students’ ethical awareness and an understanding of design’s systemic impacts. However, there is tension between prioritizing user needs versus broader systemic effects and between ethical reflection and technical production. The content may include ecological literacy, stakeholder values, ethical frameworks, and professional ethics. Pedagogy emphasizes real-world projects, stakeholder collaboration, workshop activities exploring ethical dilemmas, and scenario-based activities.

We suggest that future research should investigate institutional factors shaping social accountability and develop tailored assessment frameworks. Overall, the paper advances the understanding of responsible design education to equip future designers to address complex socio-ecological design challenges.
TitelA Cog in the Works
RedaktørerCheryl May
Antal sider32
ForlagSymposium Journals
Publikationsdatookt. 2024
StatusUdgivet - okt. 2024
BegivenhedThe Annual Systemic Design Symposium 2024 - Relating Systems Thinking and Design: Rivers of Conversations - Oslo School of Architecture and Design, Oslo, Norge
Varighed: 12 okt. 202421 okt. 2024
Konferencens nummer: 13


KonferenceThe Annual Systemic Design Symposium 2024 - Relating Systems Thinking and Design
LokationOslo School of Architecture and Design


  • Responsible design
  • Design education
  • Responsibility
  • Ethics
  • Literature review
  • Participatory workshop
  • Mixed-methods research
