Usability Problem Identification in Culturally Diverse Settings

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    There are indications that established methods for evaluating information system usability that have been developed for use in, e.g. Europe or the USA, fail to give reliable results in countries such as India, China or Malaysia. This paper presents the theoretical background, related work and a definition of culture that should be useful for studies of multiple-country usability testing. This includes a discussion of cultural fit and the consequences of cultural (in)consistencies between stakeholders in system development and use. As an illustrative example of the kind of academic research that needs to be done, a pilot study is described. The pilot study exemplifies themes to explore, who should be participants and where should the study be done, how to find examples of multiple-country usability testing, how to collect data and how to analyse that data and what kind of results and discussion of results that may be expected. The conclusion summarises the paper, discusses the limitations of the pilot study and gives detailed suggestions to future research.
    TidsskriftInformation Systems Journal
    Udgave nummer2
    Sider (fra-til)151-175
    StatusUdgivet - mar. 2012
