Understanding the Interplay Between Consumers’ Preference for Ethical Attributes, Choice of Brand, and Quality Shopping Frequency

Torben Hansen, Ninna Aarfelt Andersen, Christie Nielsen

Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapportKonferenceabstrakt i proceedingsForskningpeer review


Retail owned private label brands (PLBs) have in recent years gained an increased interest in food retailing at the expense of national brands (NBs). PLBs are consumer products that are distributed exclusively by a retailer and carry the retailer’s name, whereas NBs are brands of consumer products that are owned and marketed by manufacturers. This research sheds light on the moderating influence of consumers’ quality shopping frequency (QSF) (i.e., the frequency with which consumers patronage low vs. high quality stores) on the interplay between ethical attributes preference, economic value preference, and NB vs. PLB buying propensity. Based on a survey with representativeness of the studied marketplace we found that QSF positively moderated the relationship between ethical attributes preference and PLB and NB buying propensity. This indicates that high quality retailers benefit to a greater extent from targeting consumers with high ethical attributes preferences. For consumers with high QSF, we found that the indirect effect of ethical attributes preference on PLB buying propensity through value preference was negative, whereas no significant effect was detected for NB buying propensity. Hence, high quality store managers focusing on attracting consumers with high levels of ethical preferences may consider reducing the proportion of low cost PLBs in the stores.
TitelMIRDEC: 12th International Academic Conference on Multidisciplinary and Interdisciplinary Studies on Social Sciences : Book of Abstracts
Antal sider1
ForlagMasters International Research & Development Center
ISBN (Trykt)9786058124769
StatusUdgivet - 2019
Begivenhed12th International Academic Conference Multidisciplinary and Interdisciplinary Studies on Social Science - Rome, Italien
Varighed: 2 apr. 20194 apr. 2019
Konferencens nummer: 12


Konference12th International Academic Conference Multidisciplinary and Interdisciplinary Studies on Social Science


  • Ethical attributes
  • National brands
  • Private labels brands
  • Quality shopping frequency
