Understanding Mobile Social Media Usage: Uses and Gratification Expectancy Model

Chunmei Gan, Chee-Wee Tan

Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapportKonferencebidrag i proceedingsForskningpeer review


Despite the increasing popularity and growing trend of mobile social media in China, factors affecting users’ continued usage behavior remains unclear and deserves further scholarly attention. Synthesizing theories of expectation confirmation as well as uses and gratification, we advance a uses and gratification expectancy model that depicts how confirmation, perceived usability and gratification affect users’ continuance intention towards mobile social media. Empirical findings from an online survey of 247 respondents reveal that continuance intention is determined by a range of gratifications, including information sharing, media appeal and perceived enjoyment. In addition, confirmation of expectations and perceptions of usefulness gleaned through prior usage of mobile social media have significant effects on gratifications of information sharing, perceived enjoyment, social interaction, passing time and media appeal. Conversely, perceived ease of use exerts a weak impact on gratifications of media appeal and social interaction.
TitelPACIS 2017 Proceedings
RedaktørerRose Alinda, Pan Shan Ling, Shamshul Bahri, Patrick Finnegan, Choon Ling Sia
Antal sider12
UdgivelsesstedAtlanta, GA
ForlagAssociation for Information Systems. AIS Electronic Library (AISeL)
StatusUdgivet - 2017
BegivenhedThe 21st Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems. PACIS 2017 - Meritus Pelangi Beach Resort & Spa, Langkawi, Malaysia
Varighed: 16 jul. 201720 jul. 2017
Konferencens nummer: 21


KonferenceThe 21st Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems. PACIS 2017
LokationMeritus Pelangi Beach Resort & Spa
SponsorAssociation for Information Systems


  • Mobile social media
  • Continunce intention
  • Uses and gratification
  • Expectation confirmation
  • Uses and gratification expectancy
  • WeChat
