Transnational Organizing: Issue Professionals in Environmental Sustainability Networks

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    An ongoing question for institutional theory is how organizing occurs transnationally, where institution building occurs in a highly ambiguous environment. This article suggests that at the core of transnational organizing is competition and coordination within professional and organizational networks over who controls issues. Transnational issues are commonly organized through professional battles over how issues are treated and what tasks are involved. These professional struggles are often more important than what organization has a formal mandate over an issue. We highlight how ‘issue professionals’ operate in two-level professional and organizational networks to control issues. This two-level network provides the context for action in which professionals do their institutional work. The two-level network carries information about professional incentives and also norms about how issues should be treated and governed by organizations. Using network and career sequences methods, we provide a case of transnational organizing through professionals who attempt issue control and network management on transnational environmental sustainability certification. The article questions how transnational organizing happens, and how we can best identify attempts at issue control.
    Udgave nummer5
    Sider (fra-til)722-741
    Antal sider20
    StatusUdgivet - sep. 2016


    • Expertise
    • Issue control
    • Network Theory
    • Organizational Networks
    • Professionals
    • Professions
    • Environmental governance
    • Sustainability
