Towards a Theory of Socially Shared Consumption: Literature Review, Taxonomy, and Research Agenda

Katrine Kunst, Ravi Vatrapu

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    Recent years have seen an increased sharing of consumptive practices, experiences and evaluations on social media platforms. Such socially shared consumption can range from electronic word-of-mouth to formal online reviews as well as automated product mentions facilitated by social media applications Based on a review of extant emerging literature on this topic as well as of literature on relevant topics such as social influence, online reviews, theories of the extended self and conspicuous consumption, this paper proposes a new concept, “socially shared consumption” and a taxonomy for better understanding and analysing the growing phenomenon of consumers’ social sharing of consumption on social media platforms The taxonomy consists of five dimensions of socially shared consumption: Phase, Automation, Formality, Expressiveness, and Sentiment. The primary contributions of this research-in-progress paper are (a) description and definition of the new concept of socially shared consumption, (b) preliminary proposal of a taxonomy of socially shared consumption, and (c) outline of a research agenda to conduct theory-based empirical studies of socially shared consumption phenomena.
    TitelECIS 2014 Proceedings
    RedaktørerMichel Avital, Jan Marco Leimeister, Ulrike Schultze
    Antal sider11
    UdgivelsesstedAtlanta, GA
    ForlagAssociation for Information Systems. AIS Electronic Library (AISeL)
    ArtikelnummerPaper 1062
    ISBN (Trykt)9780991556700
    StatusUdgivet - 2014
    BegivenhedThe 22nd European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS) 2014: Digital Work, Digital Life - David Intercontinental Hotel, Tel Aviv, Israel
    Varighed: 9 jun. 201411 jun. 2014
    Konferencens nummer: 22


    KonferenceThe 22nd European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS) 2014
    LokationDavid Intercontinental Hotel
    ByTel Aviv
    NavnProceedings of the European Conference on Information Systems


    • Social business
    • Social media
    • Social sharing
    • Consumer behaviour
