The Roles of Representations in Building Design: Materiality and Visualisation

Chris Harty, Kjell Tryggestad

Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapportKonferencebidrag i proceedingsForskningpeer review


Mock-ups, scale models and drawings are ubiquitous in building design processes, circulating between various stakeholders. They contribute to the gradual evolution of design, but what else can specific material representations do for the building design and project? The full scale model of a hospital single bed room can be different in terms of detail and medium, but in what sense might it perform different and similar functions? The mobilization of multiple forms of representations and visualizations suggest that design materialization might have several important roles to play in negotiating the building design and project, including in the exposition and resolution of controversy in the design process. The paper compares the use of two different forms of representation of the same imagined space – a single room in a hospital, and produced for similar purposes – to ascertain what the optimum (or minimum) spatial requirements should be to allow effective care of patients. The first representation is a three dimensional augmented reality model of a single room for a new hospital in the
UK, using a CAVE (Cave Automatic Virtual Environment) where the room is reproduced virtually at one-to-one scale, and which can be explored or navigated
using head-tracker technology and a joystick controller. The second is a physical
mock up of a single room for a Danish hospital where actual medical procedures are simulated using real equipment and real people. Drawing on Latour’s concepts of matters of concern and matters of fact, we compare these two representations to provide insights into the way different media produce specific senses of the design or imagined space, with consequences for on-going design work, and for the settling of controversy.
TitelProceedings of the 28th Annual ARCOM Conference, 3-5 September 2012
RedaktørerSimon Smith
ForlagARCOM, Association of Researchers in Construction Management
ISBN (Trykt)9780955239069
StatusUdgivet - 2012
BegivenhedThe 28th ARCOM Annual Conference - Our Dynamic Earth and University of Edinburgh, Edingburg, Storbritannien
Varighed: 3 sep. 20125 sep. 2012
Konferencens nummer: 28


KonferenceThe 28th ARCOM Annual Conference
Lokation Our Dynamic Earth and University of Edinburgh


  • Simulation
  • Hospital design
  • Matters of concern
