The Role of WTO Dispute Settlement Institutions in Promoting the Rule of Law Over Power Orientation in the Russia-EU Trade Relationship

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When Russia in 2012 joined the World Trade Organization (WTO), it also moved its bilateral power-oriented trade relationship with the European Union (EU) into a more rule of law-based framework. This paper addresses the WTO dispute settlement system's role in settling disputes relevant to the Russia-EU trade relationship. The rule of law-based framework can prove essential for businesses engaged in EU-Russia trade as it strengthens legal certainty. The paper addresses two dimensions where the WTO dispute settlement system has strengthened legal certainty: (1) by clarifying the legal value of the dispute settlement reports; and (2) by handling and clarifying the interface between trade law and environmental law, where the latter may have an impact on climate change law.
TidsskriftThe IUP Journal of International Relations
Udgave nummer20
Sider (fra-til)40-65
Antal sider26
StatusUdgivet - 2021
